

Mitre Lodge of York No 7321
Consecrated 21st April 1954 www.mitrelodgeofyork.org.uk
Member of the Federation of School Lodges


W. Bro Ian Hazel-Gant


W. Bro Peter Dew email: mitre7321@gmail.com

The Masonic Hall, St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ

The Mitre Lodge of York was formed in 1954 by the then Headmaster of Archbishop Holgate’s Grammar School, A.B.Hodgson, and other masters and former pupils of the School. It was initially restricted to those connected with the school but was opened to all in 1981.

The Lodge met at the Masonic Hall in Duncombe Place until 1996, when it moved to St Saviourgate, where it still meets today.

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, except for January, July, August and September, reflecting the school year.

Our year starts in October, with the Installation of the new Master, and ends in June with the annual business meeting. The Master usually serves for one year, although some have held that position twice, and the other officers of the Lodge serve for between one and five years.



One of the former Provincial Grand Masters of our Province, John Malcolm Raylor, said that there should be three ’Fs’ in Freemasonry – Family, Fellowship and Fun – and this is a cause we have embraced enthusiastically.

We usually enjoy a number of activities throughout the year, although these have necessarily been cancelled or curtailed during the Covid emergency.

All of these events are open to members, their friends and families, the widows of the Lodge and prospective members. You don’t have to be a Mason to attend! Indeed, several members (and their wives) had their first introduction to Mitre Lodge at a social event before joining.